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The Pilates Barre - University Park


Phone (214) 706-9988
Mobile (214) 706-9988 - Mobile
Address 6915 Hillcrest Avenue University Park Dallas, TX,
Dallas, TX 75205 United States


Our classes are largely based on the holistic principles of Pilates, but also emphasize the strength training and cardio elements found in other forms of exercise. Using the method developed by Sebastien Lagree and state of the art Megaformersâ„¢, The PilatesBarre provides a unique exercise regimen.

At the core of the Lagree fitness training method is the Megaformerâ„¢, which represents a significant evolution of the traditional Pilates reformer.

The Megaformersâ„¢ provide constant resistance and infinitely more exercise options than a traditional reformer; it allows the body to shift quickly and smoothly from one exercise to another to maintain increased heart rate and get the blood pumping.

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